January is Caves Month at Murray’s, and in order to understand our caves and the cheeses that come from them, you have to meet our Caves Team! From daily cheese care (known as affinage), to coming up with new cheeses and much more, our Caves Team is the reason Murray’s Caves are able to produce thousands of wheels of innovative, delicious cheeses each year.
A love of beer and a lifelong passion of cheese brought Josh into our Caves program from an 18 year career in building automation. After finishing the Murray’s Caves Internship Program (*Editor’s Note: This 12 week program has a launched many a Caves team member, and we’re always look for interns, check out our Careers Page for more info) Josh stayed on and is now an integral part of our Caves. We sat down with him to talk what inspired him to make the career switch, his favorite cave, and more.
Where are you originally from?
Cincinnati, OH
How did you first get into cheese?
I have loved cheese longer than I can remember. In my mid-20s I created a weekly routine called “Beer and Cheese Sundays” where I would buy a new-to-me beer and take it to my local cheesemonger to recommend pairings. I would then have an afternoon of trying amazing beers and cheeses. It was my version of high tea.
How did you start working in the Murray’s Caves?
I spent about 18 years working in the building automation world, but had opportunity to switch careers a few years ago. Cheese was always a passion of mine, and I quickly found the intern program at Murray’s Caves. I jumped at the opportunity and was fortunate to be offered a job at the conclusion.

What do you love about Murray’s in general?
I love the passion for cheese from everyone who works here. For someone who could have 90% of their conversations be about dairy, this is the place to be.
Which cave is your favorite? Why?
Really, favorites? I’m horrible at these questions. My answer will always change. I like the tranquility of Alpine, the steady rhythms of Bloomy, the quixotic nature of Washed, and the rinded beauty of Natural. I couldn’t pick just one.
What is your favorite Cave Aged Cheese?

Depends on the day, or the hour, or the last one I just tried. My current obsession has been Project X. After the shelving renovations last summer, this cheese became very temperamental. It’s been a lot of work to get it back on track and the results have been fantastic. This is my go-to snacking cheese.
Josh is a huge part of our Caves Team, but he’s not just a one man show, meet the rest of the team:
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