You’ve probably seen this stunning seasonal creation from our Caves before–it’s impossible to ignore. Flecked with gold and filled with truffle, we’re taking a look at how this luxurious re-imagining of traditional Loire Valley Valencay came to be, and the secrets behind its make process. We sat down with Murray’s SVP of Sales & Marketing, Elizabeth Chubbuck, as well as Cavemaster Josh Windsor to get the details on this decadent cheese.
“When thinking creatively for Cavemaster Labs inspiration, I often look to things that are happening with other types of food,” says Elizabeth. “Fancy chocolates are often times adorned with gold leaf. Also, I have had a soft spot for gold leaf since I was a child – my grandfather who was an artist, once told me a story about gold leaf that has always stuck with me. The thought of tiny gold flecks nestled into the mysterious rind of a Loire Valley goat intrigued me. Between the truffles and the gold, Gilded Goat has truly earned its name.”

But how exactly is this decadent and eye-catching cheese created? That’s where our Caves team comes in. Cavemaster Labs Gilded Goat starts as a green or un-aged pyramid of Loire Valley Valencay, a velvety, lactic goat’s milk cheese with a luscious mouthfeel and gentle citrus tang. Our Cavemasters then slice it in half, between the top and bottom, and spread the center with a layer of black winter truffles.

The delicious little pyramid is then put back together, now with a thin black line of savory truffle running through it. It’s then ashed and aged like a typical Valencay would be, forming its signature wrinkly gray rind in just a few weeks. Once it reaches peak ripeness, our team sprinkles it with real gold leaf flakes (picture a salt shaker filled with gold). Gently coated with these glittering particles, the delicate blocks are wrapped and ready to enjoy. From start to finish, creating a brand new flavor-infused cheese is no easy task–which makes the end result of these stunning pyramids all the more impressive.

While the profile of this unique creation doesn’t differ too far from its cheese of origin, the addition of black truffles provides an earthy umami that brings some more mouthwatering undertones to the typically bright and clean chevre. Subtle and luxurious, with a perfect blend of light milkiness and rich boldness, the inside of this cheese is as lovely as its incredible exterior.

Want a pairing that stands up to this showstopper? We asked Cavemaster Josh what his go-to beverage would be: “For a wine I would go for an oxidated white (something nutty and mushroomy) – maybe a Fino Sherry or a Jura Vin Jaune. If you want something a little more expected go for an aged White Burgundy,” he says. “For beers I like something with a little warm spice, just a touch of bitterness, and some roasted malt characteristics. I would go with either a Roggenbier or a London Dry Porter.”