The Murray’s Catering Team Guide to an Easy Thanksgiving

We all know the stress of preparing a perfect Thanksgiving meal. This year, try a different approach. Instead of offering to prepare the stuffing or cranberry sauce, offer to bring everyone’s favorite dish: CATERING! If you’re in New York City, be sure to check out Murray’s Catering offerings and talk to our Catering team (Leigh, Sarah, and Beau), who can hook you up with everything but the bird.

All American Labels

Our go-to platter: cheese! The best part about bring cheese to your Thanksgiving gathering is the Murray’s Catering team who can help you assemble the perfect cheese board that will have all of your guests forgetting that turkey is even a thing. The “All American” spread pictured above celebrates American cheese, and includes 5 of our all-time favorites: Humboldt Fog, Green Hill, Solo Gran Queso, Pleasant Ridge Reserve, and Black River Blue. Serve these with honey, Marcona almonds, and dried fruit for something to be truly thankful for!

crudite_2 (2)Looking for something a little lighter to nibble before the big event? The catering team is also well versed in the world of small bites. Their beautiful Crudite platter features their famously addictive garlic-herb spread made with bright and tangy fromage blanc.

Overwhelmed by rich desserts? After the turkey, sides, and all the trimmings, a slice of pie might set you back another belt loop. Instead, take a break from the table, and set out a tray of bite-sized desserts and chocolates for your guests on your coffee table. Full of flavor and the perfect size to nibble on while lingering over coffee. Offer an assortment of mini tartlets, mini brownies, petits fours, and caramels, and let people help themselves to the bounty!

Want more info on Murray’s Catering? Shoot them an email at catering [at] murrayscheese [dot] com, or give them a call at 212-243-3289.

Hello Cornelia! A New Cavemaster Reserve Cheese

We are so proud to finally roll out our latest “Cavemaster Reserve” cheese, and already people are buzzing about it. After months of testing, cavemaster Brian is ready to start selling our new one-of-a-kind Cornelia. Named for our original location at Cornelia Street and Bleecker Street in New York’s West Village, these adorable tiny toma-style wheels were made in partnership with Point Reyes Farmstead, who make several wonderful cheeses out in California.


We receive the wheels at just a few days old, and they are immediately moved to our washed-rind cave where we give them lots of love, and several washings. After they’ve developed a nice orange-colored rind, they’re moved to the natural-rind cave, where they’re allowed to develop further. The final result is a beautiful natural-rind, similar to the rinds found on Tomme de Savoie and Toma Walser.

Our friends over at Cheese Notes had these astute tasting notes on Cornelia:

The rind is orangey-pink, with a frosting of white mold, and a light layer of crystalline accretions from the washings. The paste is smooth and rich, with a scattering of eyes, lightly bulging and oozing as it warms. The aroma is a bit musty, carrying over from the aging caves; the flavor is beautifully buttery, with a silky, melting mouthfeel (reminiscent of a higher-fat sheep’s milk cheese even though it’s made from cows milk), with notes of roasted peanut and buttered toast, earthy and a bit brothy once it comes to room temperature. This is an easy-eating cheese, and I wouldn’t expect too many Cornelia’s halves to make it back into the fridge once they’ve been put out on the board.

You can read the whole write up here, or try the cheese for yourself at both of our New York retail location and of course you can always order it online.

Cheese Might Turn Out to be a Very Healthy Thing Indeed

Cheese, similar to other fermented foods, is teeming with millions of micro-biological bodies, many of which are considered as “probiotics”, and are well known for being good for your digestive health. These microbes help to break down food as they are being absorbed by the gut, meaning you are more likely to absorb the good nutrients inside. This process also helps minimize the production of gas which of course means less bloating and less flatulence.

Not all cheeses are equal in their levels of probiotics and you may find higher levels of these beneficial microbes in supplements like morning complete reviews than in certain types of cheese – as the levels of probiotics depend between each type. People who are lactose intolerant might consider taking probiotic supplements that are devoid of dairy. Pore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic supplements like Mega Sporebiotic is clinically taken by many to maintain a healthy gut barrier and immune function.

Highly processed cheeses like sandwich singles often contain little to no probiotics, and in general have very few health benefits. While the research is young, many in the food science community believe that these microbes, which are most often found intact in unpasteurized cheeses, produce many of the positive benefits of other probiotic food like yogurt and kombucha. In the story from NPR below, we hear about the developments in the understanding of cheese microbes and hear from one of our favorite cheese makers, Jamie Montgomery, who makes the ever-popular Montgomery’s Cheddar.

In addition, cheese can be very good for the health of your teeth making them stronger and more resistant to cavities or tooth decay. Sometimes it has been too late for people to save their tooth health and therefore they turn to a solution like Clip on Veneers, which offers people a great way to maintain healthy-looking teeth and attempt to improve their health, despite years of possible neglect.


A New Kickstarter for Aging Cheese at Home With The Cheese Grotto

The  “Cheese Grotto” is one of the coolest things that we have seen on Kickstarter in a long time. We often encounter the difficulties proper cheese storage at home, and the Grotto hopes to help us cheese lovers keep our curd in the best possible condition. For the more adventurous, the Cheese Grotto can also be used for bringing your cheese to the perfect ripeness. Check out the video below, and throw them some love on Kickstarter!